DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2018-4-1-70-85


The article reveals the debatable issues of training bachelors in the direction of "Service" in the domestic higher school in the context of practical training. It is noted that in the system of Russian higher education, there is no other direction of preparation with more "blurred" and unclear boundaries of areas of professional activity than "Service". Today, this area of training has turned out to be in the most difficult position regarding the solution of the problem of developing quality content of educational programs and coordinating them with the requirements of employers and, consequently, the institutionalization (recognition) of this profession. This problem has two interrelated components: theoretical and practical. The science of service, or serviceology, is a theoretical basis for professional training in the direction of "Service", which is in active search for its epistemological space. At the heart of the practical component of the problem of training bachelors of service is the choice between two basic concepts supported by Russian scientists and practitioners: the concept of servicization of economy and the concept of softization of economy. These concepts are closely interrelated, moreover, servicization is a natural component of softization. However, the boundaries and content of educational programs in the direction of "Service" will be different, depending on the adoption of this or that concept. From the point of view of the first concept, the sphere of services should be considered as an object of application of service competencies, while the second concept allows expanding the scope of professional employment of service specialists by the borders of the economy as a whole. Domestic universities that carry out training in the direction of "Service" implement primarily an approach based on the concept of servicization of economy. This approach is provided by the profiling of training in accordance with the main sectors of the service sector. The article substantiates the necessity of forming educational programs in the direction of "Service" on the basis of the concept of software economy, which involves non-core training of bachelors of service with a broad humanitarian component and the formation of skills in the application of humanitarian technologies.

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