Nostalgic tourism paradigm
The relevance of the study is due to the need to develop tourism in the territories of the Russian Federation in the current conditions. The paper sheds new light on the concept of nostalgia in tourism by analyzing how nostalgia is related to viewer types, age, and past experiences. The work illuminates various types of nostalgic feelings and demonstrates how they motivate the visitor's intention to visit, thus offering useful conceptual insights into the study of nostalgia as a key motivational element of tourism. The article analyzes the conceptual apparatus of nostalgic tourism, distinguishes two types of nostalgia and considers three types of nostalgic emotions. The practical connection between tourism and nostalgia is presented through the example of sports tourism, rural tourism, theme parks and restaurant business. The article explores how the features of nostalgia and people's tendency to nostalgia affect the development of tourism in the context of strengthening its role in maintaining and enhancing various foreign contacts. The authors give two approaches when using elements of nostalgia for advertising purposes: real and artificial approach.
Sarafanova, A. G., Sarafanov, A. A. (2023), ―Nostalgic tourism paradigm‖, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 9 (1), pp. 54-66, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2023-9-1-0-5
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