Features of the implementation of the competence approach in the field of tourism
This article is devoted to the peculiarities of the development of the personnel of the tourism industry of the Kaliningrad region. The study describes the content of the competence approach in terms of the specific characteristics of employees of the tourism sector. In addition, this article analyzes the general classification of competencies, on the basis of which a model for the formation of universal competencies of tourism employees has been developed. The paper studies the features of the formation of professional personnel for service sector enterprises. The staff of the hospitality industry is a key resource, therefore, the actualization of universal skills, knowledge and competencies are a factor in business development. The peculiarity of the tourism sector is that when training employees, special attention should be paid to the specifics of the competencies required of them when serving consumers that meet social demand and market expectations. The purpose of the article is to create a model for the formation of universal competencies of employees at tourism enterprises. A modern specialist should be able to use the acquired scientific knowledge to advance in the profession, stimulate personal growth. The objectives of the study are: 1) analysis of the problems of formation and development of universal competencies in the field of tourism; 2) development of a model for the formation of universal competencies of tourism personnel; 3) the use of various traditional and innovative methods in the assessment and formation of specific competencies of tourism personnel. The study suggests using certain technologies that can develop and adapt professional skills for professional development in the context of digital technologies and solutions for service and communication with consumers, to form the experience of organizational activity. It is revealed that a directly integrated approach and attention to the nuances of personnel management allows you to achieve maximum efficiency in the professional activities of each employee in the tourism industry.
Oborin, M. S. (2023), ―Features of the implementation of the competence approach in the field of tourism‖, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 9 (1), pp. 123-134, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2023-9-1-1-1
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