Tarusa: a mosaic brand
There is an active restructuring of the tourism sector in modern Russia. Domestic tourist flows are focused on large resort cities. Small towns, even with the presence of history and transport accessibility, attract tourists only on a one-time basis and for a one- or two-day vacation in the summer. In other seasons, such trips are rarely taken into account by tourists. Small towns, which include Tarusa (Kaluga region), have a huge potential for organizing all-season recreation. The problem identified for consideration in this article is the unformed tourist image of Tarusa. The analysis of this problem is relevant, since the tourist flow to Tarusa is unstable. Theoretical analysis of the concepts of “tourist image”, “image of the city”, content analysis and communication audit of information resources of the city of Tarusa were carried out. The study revealed communication problems and contradictions that reduce the potential for the development of the tourist image of the city of Tarusa, analysed the visual image of the city reflected in the media and the Internet, the problems that distort the external and internal images of Tarusa. The development of a communication strategy for the city of Tarusa, taking into account these elements of the image, based on a carefully researched study, including an analysis of each target audience separately, analysis of communication channels, elaboration of the information field, planning work with the media, social networks will help not only to assemble the brand into a single whole, but also significantly increase the influx of tourists.
Orlova, E. A. (2024), “Tarusa: a mosaic brand”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 10 (1), pp. 74-87. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-1-0-6
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