
Research result. Business and Service Technologies

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024 PDF
The development of the tourist industry

Business model of tourism industry enterprises based on blockchain technology

Blockchain technology is a product of the processes of digital transformation of the economy. Despite the fact that its algorithm was first described back in 1991, it is still ...

Business modeling as a means of finding growth areas in the hotel industry

The development of the hotel business contributes to the search for innovative solutions and growth points for the company. The period of self-isolation has affected the reduction in tourist ...

Opportunities of using local brands in promoting the territory: from identification to communication

In the late XX – early XXI century, the issues of territory branding and building a territorial brand are actively covered in scientific literature. This is due to several ...

Analysis of the factors of negative impact on the development of tourism Southeast Asia

This article discusses the features and factors that have a negative impact on the tourist market of the South-Eastern part of the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the author analyzes ...

Tarusa: a mosaic brand

There is an active restructuring of the tourism sector in modern Russia. Domestic tourist flows are focused on large resort cities. Small towns, even with the presence of history ...

Youth tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan (based on empirical research)

The results of the research conducted by the author made it possible to identify the specifics of youth tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan in the conditions of post-pandemic ...

Analysis of the modern excursion tourist product and research on its perception by consumers

Digital opportunities make it possible to develop current and non-conventional travel products. One of the advantages of using digital technologies in tourism is to focus on individual preferences of ...

Optimization of direct sales of the hotel based on the concept of business process management

The introduction of innovative technologies in the hospitality industry leads to a transformation of the working methods of hotels and other accommodation facilities. These changes are related to the ...

New information technology systems in the field of car- service

In today's car-service market, the development and implementation of innovations in information technology for motor transport enterprises has become necessary to solve many problems that require automation of technical ...

Production service as a special type of development of a municipality in the context of a new reality

In the conditions of the new reality and progressive development of the municipal economy, there is a need to create natural and high-quality products that had no analogues earlier ...

Assessment of Dynamics of Payable Debt of Agricultural Holdings of the Russian Federation

The aim of the work is to assess the dynamics of short-term accounts payable of agricultural holdings of the Russian Federation in order to identify reserves for using this ...

Opportunities of neuromarketing technologies in developing the competitiveness of Russian business schools

The pertinence of the study stems from the growing role of digital marketing in modern business.  The economic efficiency of organizations providing paid educational services largely depends on the ...