
Research result. Business and Service Technologies

Volume 8, Issue №2, 2022 PDF
The development of the tourist industry

The role of public-private partnership contracts in the development of the tourism industry

The tourism industry is the largest service industry in the world that can bring numerous economic, cultural and social benefits for countries. Developing tourism and generating revenue from this ...

Institutional environment of the organizational mechanism of socially oriented tourism

The concept of social-oriented tourism is defined, on the one hand, as a means of ensuring access to tourist services of socially vulnerable segments of the population, on the ...

A model for sustainable tourism in old-developed territories

The world has been feeling the threat of an economic crisis for 50 years. Humanity has been thinking about the problems of sustainable development throughout this time. Scientists around ...

Accompanying foreign tourists in Russia: problems and solutions

This study is devoted to the issue of accompanying foreign tourists in Russia and the problems arising in this process. The author of the article, relying on the Russian ...

Risks and bankruptcy of business structures in the tourism and hospitality industry

A key feature of entrepreneurial activity in all sectors of economic activity is the presence of risk. The sphere of tourism and hospitality is also subject to the influence ...

The state and prospects of development of medical and sports tourism in Russia

The article examines the situational conditions for the development of medical and sports tourism, formed under the influence of domestic demand and geopolitical pressure. Tourist and leisure activities can ...

Topical issues of developing a strategy for the socio-economic development of tourist and recreational regions (on the example of the resort city of Sochi)

The article is devoted to understanding the problems arising in the process of developing strategies for the socio-economic development of tourist and recreational regions and municipalities through the prism ...

Tourist infrastructure as the basis for sustainable development of the destination

Globalization and digitalization of the economy requires the transit of the tourism industry to the principles of sustainable development. The most important element of the sustainable development of tourism ...

Factors influencing the development of retail network services

The pertinence of the study stems from the importance of considering the factors of the internal and external environment for the formation and implementation of measures to develop the ...

Challenge of methodology for calculation of innovation activity indicators

The methodology for calculating the indicators of innovation activity by country, region and its participants is based on established practice. Comparison of innovation activity indicators, innovation indices and innovative ...

The role of artificial intelligence in anticorruption recruiting

This article analyzes in detail the technologies of artificial intelligence in the field of recruiting, taking into account the parameters of reliability, loyalty and honesty. In the context of ...