Analysis of demand for sights of the city of Belgorod based on search queries
The distinctive features of amateur tourism are that travellers independently choose and develop the route of travel, make up the group, book accommodation and travel, visit sights and places of interest planned to be seen during the trip. Amateur urban tourism is a promising area of domestic tourism development in light of recent economic and global trends. The city of Belgorod, for a number of reasons, can be considered an object of amateur urban tourism. An analysis of the demand for tourist attractions in the city of Belgorod was carried out on the basis of user requests in the search engine Yandex. While organizing their trips tourists increasingly use the potential of the Internet, so by increasing the frequency of search queries it is possible to judge the demand for a specific product or direction. The demand for tourist attractions in the city of Belgorod is characterized by a certain stability. The frequency of Internet requests for tourist trips is marked by a marked seasonality, which should be taken into account when planning the development of the tourism sector. The narrow range of entertainment industry services, their high cost, focus of local travel companies on field tourism, poor quality of tourist infrastructure and service, low level of awareness of tourists about Belgorod as a tourist destination – all this inhibits the development of the city of Belgorod as a tourist center.
Vishnevskaya E. V. (2020), Analysis of demand for sights of the city of Belgorod based on search queries. Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 5(2), 20-31, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2020-6-2-0-2
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