In the Russian regions, there is a focus on the promotion of domestic tourism. A review of the results of scientific research on the development of regional markets has ...
Public-private partnership (PPP) in tourism represents cooperation of state structures with entrepreneurial organizations to achieve common goals and objectives in the field of tourism. Such partnership can be expressed ...
Transformational processes in society and the economy have determined sectoral changes in the tourism sector and the hospitality industry, providing further prospects and strategic guidelines for its functioning. The ...
The field of children's and youth tourism in contemporary Russia is regarded not only as a standalone sector within the broader tourism industry, but also as a strategic instrument ...
The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of tourism on local economic sectors in Tungurahua Province, Ecuador. The hypothesis is: the tourism gross added value (GVA) ...
Currently, hospitality enterprises are faced with the problem of loading the number of rooms. At the same time, many hotels are faced with seasonal fluctuations in the volume of ...
The trend in recent years in the tourism industry is ecological and sustainable tourism, but the reports of Skyscanner, which has the fastest growing meta-search system in the world, ...
The spread of urban lifestyle determines the interest in recreation in the natural environment, on the other hand, in public consciousness, an environmental behavior trend is forming, implying a ...
Railway transport is traditionally preferred when travelling between 400 and 1000 km. Depending on financial possibilities and personal idea of comfort, passengers choose different types of cars. Despite ...
This article examines the evolution of the transformation of priorities of state regulation of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation in the period 1993-2023. The tourism sector has ...
In the context of globalization and the development of new digital technologies and solutions, the relevance of digitalization in tourism and sports in general, as well as in strategic ...
The article considers educational tourism as part of international academic mobility. The approaches of foreign authors to this construct are analyzed through the prism of studying foreign students and ...
In modern Russia, the reconfiguration of the tourism sector has been taking place for the second year: domestic tourism is actively developing with the support of the state; travelers ...
There is an active restructuring of the tourism sector in modern Russia. Domestic tourist flows are focused on large resort cities. Small towns, even with the presence of history ...
The results of the research conducted by the author made it possible to identify the specifics of youth tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan in the conditions of post-pandemic ...
Digital opportunities make it possible to develop current and non-conventional travel products. One of the advantages of using digital technologies in tourism is to focus on individual preferences of ...
In the late XX – early XXI century, the issues of territory branding and building a territorial brand are actively covered in scientific literature. This is due to several ...
Blockchain technology is a product of the processes of digital transformation of the economy. Despite the fact that its algorithm was first described back in 1991, it is still ...
The development of the hotel business contributes to the search for innovative solutions and growth points for the company. The period of self-isolation has affected the reduction in tourist ...
This article discusses the features and factors that have a negative impact on the tourist market of the South-Eastern part of the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the author analyzes ...
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