
The development of the tourist industry

Evolutionary and transformational approaches in the strategic management of alpine ski resorts: prospects for digitalization and digital transformation

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
In the context of globalization and the development of new digital technologies and solutions, the relevance of digitalization in tourism and sports in general, as well as in strategic ...

Transformation of priorities of state regulation of tourism and recreation in the Russian Federation

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
This article examines the evolution of the transformation of priorities of state regulation of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation in the period 1993-2023. The tourism sector has ...

The international educational tourism market in the estimates of the OECD and the EU

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
The article considers educational tourism as part of international academic mobility. The approaches of foreign authors to this construct are analyzed through the prism of studying foreign students and ...

External communications of the museum as a factor in the development of museum tourism

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
In modern Russia, the reconfiguration of the tourism sector has been taking place for the second year: domestic tourism is actively developing with the support of the state; travelers ...

Analysis of the modern excursion tourist product and research on its perception by consumers

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Digital opportunities make it possible to develop current and non-conventional travel products. One of the advantages of using digital technologies in tourism is to focus on individual preferences of ...

Tarusa: a mosaic brand

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
There is an active restructuring of the tourism sector in modern Russia. Domestic tourist flows are focused on large resort cities. Small towns, even with the presence of history ...

Youth tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan (based on empirical research)

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
The results of the research conducted by the author made it possible to identify the specifics of youth tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan in the conditions of post-pandemic ...

Business modeling as a means of finding growth areas in the hotel industry

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
The development of the hotel business contributes to the search for innovative solutions and growth points for the company. The period of self-isolation has affected the reduction in tourist ...

Analysis of the factors of negative impact on the development of tourism Southeast Asia

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
This article discusses the features and factors that have a negative impact on the tourist market of the South-Eastern part of the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the author analyzes ...

Opportunities of using local brands in promoting the territory: from identification to communication

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
In the late XX – early XXI century, the issues of territory branding and building a territorial brand are actively covered in scientific literature. This is due to several ...

Business model of tourism industry enterprises based on blockchain technology

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Blockchain technology is a product of the processes of digital transformation of the economy. Despite the fact that its algorithm was first described back in 1991, it is still ...

Information structure of the tourist geoportal

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
Many countries of the world have accumulated terabytes of digital maps created by both professionals and amateurs, but many of them have not become available to the target audience. ...

Graffiti objects as a resource for creating an tour route in the urban space of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
Every year more and more objects appear in every city that are aimed at shaping the cultural perception of the city by residents through understanding local identity, taking into ...

Technological sovereignty of the tourism sector of the Russian economy

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
The relevance of the problem raised in the article in relation to the tourism sector of the economy follows from the goals outlined in the Concept of Technological Development ...

The need to develop tourist and recreational information resources to promote the tourist product of Russian destinations

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
The development and promotion of Russian destinations are extremely urgent problems for the formation of a full-fledged domestic tourism market in Russia. It is necessary to constantly diagnose and ...

Camping and glamping industry in the Russian Federation: current status and development trends

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
The modern tourism market in Russia is characterized by an annual increase in demand for domestic destinations. On the one hand, the domestic consumer has a request for both ...

Methodology for integral score assessment of the industrial and tourist attractiveness of municipalities (using the example of the Perm Territory)

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
The presented article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of industrial tourism in the Perm region. The study is aimed at identifying the special development of industrial ...

Educational tourism in the context of sustainable development

Volume 9, Issue №3, 2023
The values of sustainable development are actively promoted in the tourism industry. Educational tourism is no exception. The niche of educational tourism has some characteristics related to the impact ...

The model of the impact of innovation of tourist services on consumer behavior

Volume 9, Issue №3, 2023
In the modern conditions of the tourist services market, the development and implementation of innovations in the activities of tourist enterprises has become absolutely necessary. However, while research on ...

Results of the implementation of the «Tourist Cashback» program

Volume 9, Issue №2, 2023
Stimulating domestic tourism during the period of overcoming the negative impact of the consequences of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, negative factors caused by the instability of the ...
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