In the article, the authors analyze the current situation, when in the modern scientific literature devoted to the problems of sustainable development, the bulk of research, as a rule, ...
This article is devoted to the peculiarities of the development of the personnel of the tourism industry of the Kaliningrad region. The study describes the content of the competence ...
Development of the labour market in the Russian Federation is a dynamic process that sets its own requirements both for the professional community and educational organizations of various levels. ...
This article analyzes in detail the technologies of artificial intelligence in the field of recruiting, taking into account the parameters of reliability, loyalty and honesty. In the context of ...
Many trends that have emerged since the start of the pandemic are gaining momentum and are contributing to the emergence of new insights in response to the new reality. ...
The article reveals the features of continuing professional education as an important element of the organizational structure of the existing education system in Russia. Continuing professional education as an ...
The article reveals the key issues of staffing the directions of strategic development of the domestic tourism industry associated with global changes in the world tourism market, as well ...
Personnel training for the hospitality industry requires the introduction of new forms of training, retraining of personnel; in the course of solving this problem, an in-depth study of the ...
The development of the hospitality industry and competitiveness of a separate accommodation facility directly depends on the level of personnel qualification. Hotel business in the Russian Federation is at ...
Staff turnover is a continuous process in which the staff of an organization changes. At the same time, there are certain factors that influence this process: psychological, economic, social, ...
Modern business conditions determine the need for an active search for means to ensure the competitive advantages of enterprises and organizations both in the product labor marketы. This fully ...
New state standards of higher education provide for the implementation of the universal competence "the ability to manage their time, build and implement the trajectory of self-development based on ...
The analysis of the main educational programs in the areas of training included in the enlarged "Service sector" shows that the system of national higher education lacks a conceptual idea ...
The article reveals the debatable issues of training bachelors in the direction of "Service" in the domestic higher school in the context of practical training. It is noted that ...
The article covers the questions connected with formation of the system of continuous education and its gradual implementation through the chain of command subsystems (stages) of pre-school, school, professional ...
The author substantiates the necessity of setting up a center for assessing the qualifications of the hospitality industry on the basis of the Association of the Hospitality Industry ...
The specificity of the service industry activity predetermines the allocation of creative abilities as a key factor in the competitiveness of service professionals in the services market. A high degree ...
The article reviews long-term experience in creating original booklets and guidebooks that are original in execution, namely, a short express guide to the campus of KazSU, ...
The article covers the issues related to the development and testing of new additional professional education programs based on professional standards, which will allow the working specialists to improve their ...
In modern Russian society, the interest in systemic problems of recreation and tourism industry is growing increasingly due to the globalization of world economic processes. Tourism is becoming an essential ...
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